American Photonics
P0591 - Single-Layer Copper Nozzle DE HP1.5” for Precitec® Fiber Laser (10-pack)
에서 $90.00단가 /없는재고 (373 단위)- 24 % 할인
American Photonics
1906032 - Laser Nozzle Holder Ceramic for Trumpf® Fiber Laser
$398.75$525.00단가 /없는재고 (35 단위) American Photonics
P0591-002-00010 Double-Layer Copper nozzle DE HP1.5'' for Precitec® (10-pack)
$120.00단가 /없는재고 (547 단위)- 63 % 할인
American Photonics
1349171, 1591594, 1755673, 1591594 - Nozzle Holder Ceramic for Trumpf® Laser
$250.00$680.00단가 /없는재고 (42 단위) - 17 % 할인
American Photonics
P0595-94097 - Nozzle Ceramic part KT X. Suitable for use with Precitec(R) Laser Welders
$150.00$180.00단가 /없는재고 (47 단위) American Photonics
P0497-68871 - Nozzle Ceramic part KT M1.5'' DXN. Suitable for use with Precitec® Laser Welders
$475.00$585.00단가 /없는- 63 % 할인
American Photonics
936678, 913966- Nozzle Holder Ceramic for Trumpf® Laser - D17.5 - M6
$250.00$680.00단가 /없는재고 (49 단위) - 15 % 할인
American Photonics
P0571-1051-00001 - Nozzle Holder Ceramic KTB2 Con suitable for use with Precitec(R) Laser Welders
$93.85$110.00단가 /없는재고 (48 단위) American Photonics
0243839, 0258809, 0247894, 243839, 258809, 247894- Nozzle Holder Ceramic for Trumpf® Laser
$42.47$82.00단가 /없는재고 (48 단위)American Photonics
10035272 - Nozzle Fiber HK30 suitable for use with Bystronic® laser (10-pack)
$44.60$68.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위)- 20 % 할인
American Photonics
$150.00$188.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위) - 15 % 할인
American Photonics
$250.00$295.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위) - 35 % 할인
American Photonics
P0571-265-00001 - Nozzle Insulation part IT B2" Z. Suitable for use with Precitec(R) Laser Welders
$110.00$170.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위) - 27 % 할인
American Photonics
P0461-230-00001 - Nozzle Insulation part IT 461. Suitable for use with Precitec(R) Laser Welders
$110.00$150.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위) American Photonics
$380.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위)American Photonics
P0494-752-00001 - Nozzle Ceramic part KT M1.5'' KN. Suitable for use with Precitec(R) Laser Welders
$780.00단가 /없는재고 (50 단위)